A micro-controller is an integrated circuit (IC) device. It used for controlling other portions of an electronic system, usually via a microprocessor unit (MPU), memory, and some peripherals. These devices are optimized for embedded applications that require both processing functionality and agile, responsive interaction with digital, analog, or electro-mechanical components.

Advantages of Microcontroller:
1. Microcontrollers are used in digital equipment like washing machines, microwaves, refrigeration, etc.
2. Microcontrollers are designed and developed to obtain a specific task whereas microprocessors are multitasking.
3. Microcontroller is a small computer in itself with components like RAM and ROM.
4. It is mainly used in light-sensing devices, handheld metering systems, voltmeters, LED, washing machines Air conditioners, etc.
5. It consumes less heat and electricity.
6. Microcontroller does not require any operating system to operate they require a standard program to operate and execute instructions.
7. It requires less amount of execution time for operations.
8. microcontroller is less complicated or sophisticated.
9. At the same time, many tasks can be performed so the human effect can be saved.
10. Once the microcontroller is programmed then it cannot be reprogrammed.
Disadvantages of Microcontroller:
1. Microcontroller can’t access multitasking devices
2. It doesn’t possess any zero flags as compared to microprocessors.
3. It does not have any operating system installed on it.
4. Microcontroller cannot interface high power devices directly.
5. It has a more complex structure as compared to the microprocessor.
6. Microcontroller only performed a limited number of executions simultaneously.