Fleming’s Right Hand Rule:
The Fleming’s right-hand rule is applicable in the case of a DC generator. Whenever a current-carrying conductor is rotated through a magnetic field, then the due magnetic field is generated in the current-carrying conductor and the direction of the emf induced init, which is in turn related to the direction of the lines of force and the direction of the motion of the current-carrying conductor. The direction of the induced current in a conductor with reference to the direction of the field and the motion is given by fleming’s right-hand rule.

This rule states that if the thumb, forefinger, and the middle finger of the right hand be stretched out mutually at right angles then if the forefinger point in the direction of the magnetic field and the thumb in the direction of the motion of the current-carrying conductor, then the middle finger will point in the direction of the induced current.
Fleming’s Left Hand Rule:
The fleming’s left-hand rule is applicable to DC motor for the direction of the mechanical force experienced. The rule states that if the forefinger, middle finger, and the thumb of the left hand are mutually perpendicular to each other and the forefinger points towards the magnetic field.

The middle finger points towards the electric current and then the thumb gives the direction of force acting on the current-carrying conductor.