Form Factor and Peak Factor

Form Factor:

It is the ratio of the R.M.S value to the average value of alternating quantity.

Form Factor = R.M.S value to the average value of alternating quantity / Average value of alternating quantity

For sinusoidal or symmetrical alternating quantity,

Form Factor = (0.707 x maximum value of voltage or current) / (0.637 x maximum value of voltage or current)

∴ Form Factor = 1.11

If we know that the average value and the waveform are sinusoidal, then the R.M.S value of voltage and current can be calculated.

The form factor of half-wave rectified AC = Im / 2 / Im / π = π/2 = 1.57

If we know that the average value and the waveform are sinusoidal, then the r.m.s value of voltage and current can be calculated easily.

Importance of Form Factor in Electrical:

i. With A knowledge of form factor, we are able to evaluate the r.m.s value from the average value and vice-versa.
ii. The value of the form factor for the less peak value of wave is less than the value of 1.1, but if the peak wave is more than the form factor is more than 1.11. The value of the form factor is 1.0 for a square wave.

Peak Factor:

It is the ratio of the maximum value to the R.M.S or the effective value of the alternating quantity.

For sinusoidal or symmetrical alternating quantity,

Peak Factor = maxm.value of alternating quantity / R.M.S value of alternating quantity
= 1/0.707
= 1.4142

A unit is a numerical number. It is also known as the creat factor. The peak factor finds an important application for the testing of the breakdown of a di-electric of insulating materials. The peak factor is also called amplitude factor.