DC Motor:
A DC Motor is an electrical machine that converts electrical energy into mechanical energy in the form of torque.
Working principle of DC motor:
The Working principle of a DC motor is based on the fact that a force will be exerted when a current-carrying conductor is placed in a magnetic field. The magnitude of the force is given by BIL Newton, where ‘B’ denotes the flux density in wb/m2, ‘I’ denotes current in ampere and ‘L’ denotes the length of the conductor in meter.

The direction of the force is given by Fleming’s Left Hand Rule. When DC supply is applied across the motor terminals, then the field magnets will be excited, and current will be supplied to the armature conductors. Now, the current-carrying armature conductors are placed in the field of the magnet, each conductor of the armature will produce a force and whose direction is given by Fleming’s left-hand rule. The forces exerted by the armature conductors collectively or combinedly produce a twisting motion on the armature which causes the armature of the DC motor to rotate or revolve.