Robotic Arm Configuration:
1. Joint Arm Configuration: This configuration allows for extremely dexterous positioning such as it required for automobile spot welding or painting.
2. Cylindrical Configuration: Limited to applications where there are no obstructions in the work area. Can be used for moving objects from one place to another on a cyclic basis.
3. Polar or Spherical Configuration: This is a variant of the cylindrical arm configuration. However, the work volumes between 2&3 are different.
4. Cartesian Co-ordinate Configuration: This is the most limited configuration for a robot. It also used for a part of assembly operations.
Degrees of Freedom Associated with the Arm and Body Motions:
1. Vertical Traverse: The capability to move the wrist up or down to provide the desired vertical attitude.
2. Radial Traverse: It involves the extension or retraction of the arm from the vertical center of the robot.
3. Rotational Traverse: The rotation of the arm about the vertical axis.
Robot Sensors:
It used to allow the robot to interact with its environment.
Types of Robot Sensors:
1. Tactile Sensors: These are sensors which respond to contact forces with another object.
2. Proximity and Range Sensors: A proximity sensor is a device indicates when an object is close to another object, but before contact has been made. When the distance between the objects can be sensed, the device is called a range sensor.